Monday, May 11, 2009

Vesak Day: Aftermath thoughts

Good day guys and girls!

I guess you guys must have gotten a good rest, and might need more after the eventful little event at SBM for Vesak Day Celebrations. But some sparkling things that i would like to note during these celebrations lets me feel that there are many more positive things to look forward to:

1) The men of SBM Youth slogging it out to set up, prepare and set down the whole event area for our temple
2) Hangqi hanging overnight without sleeping much on Vesak Eve and Day itself. (Rest well bro, before i score more goals than you on court.)
3) The preparation of the notice board by the creative peeps
4) Kevin playing almost all the songs in the performance, voicing as Buddha, and Zekui finally showing her talent to shock the world, no more a pale shadow as her dominant sibling (muahhahaa!!)
5) All youths helping to cook, like Maddie and prepare the shrine with the adults. We really look more like a youth group dedicated not only to the propogation of the Dhamma to the young ones, but also a good interactional platform with the seniors in respect.
6) Zhenyu's daring climb to clear most of the lanterns (Even though he is almost as heavy as me and the ladder shook everytime either one of us go up)
7) Kaiwen and CS' informative camp meeting that got everyone in the mood for camp.
8) The older ones shoring up the back. Yes, Ernest, Vicky, Zhenglin, u guys are older liao
9) Quietly, the Manjusri girls (Melody, Jiahui) clearing up the room upstairs to prove their passion in SBM Youth.
10) The girls singing was refreshing and it got many uncles in the crowd singing along with them, Juulia's voice captivating, and Raymond once again proving to many why he can sing. Fuzhong's chance coming soon after a WHOLE series of beatboxing performances.
11) For all the youths coming yesterday just to add in some extra help like Vic Tan, Xiao Hui, and peeps that i did not mention, don't emo! i never forget you guys, and please! Come back cos we all miss you!

Let's face it, it won't be nicer without the help of everyone, and i remember that just before i left, that chair competition that got the whole world excited and everyone playing and elated, it goes to show, we are still around, and that sense of solidarity was in everyone. I typed this also with thinking how the CEP camp meeting went smoothly even when there were many interruptions in the progress. Kudos to Kaiwen with absolute focus on the meeting, and CS for pointing out the fact that we are one, and this camp is the ownership of every buddhist youth in SBM Youth.

With this positive note that i see, lets bring this into the rest of the year, this spike in energy after celebrating our most important day in SBM, lets bring this youth group to new refreshing realms!

Alvin.. still to come!

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