Friday, June 26, 2009

Pinginanin's Praise

Just as a man, well satisfied with some choice flavor, long not for other flavors that are coarse; even so, whenever one hears the good Gotoma’s Dhamma one longs not for the talk of others, crowds, other samanas nor brahmans.

Just as a man, overcome by hunger and weakness, may come upon a honey cake and, whenever he tastes it he enjoys a sweet, delicious flavor; even so, whenever one hears the good Gotoma’s Dhamma one experience joy and serenity of heart.

Just as a skillful physician might in a moment take away the illness of one sick and ailing; even so, whenever one hears the good Gotoma’s Dhamma one, all grief, sorrow, suffering, lamentation and despair just vanish away.

Just as a man, tortured by heat, by heat overcome, wearied, craving and thirsty, might come to a pool, clear sweet, cool and limpid, a lovely resting place, and might plunge therein, bathe, drink and allay woe, fatigue and fret; even so, whenever one hears the good Gotama’s, all woe, fatigue and fret just vanish away. (A.III,239)

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