Monday, August 24, 2009

the food conveyor belt is forever dangerous.

I remember the 11 days at Outward Bound Sabah, when we [obviously my old sch mates] conquered part of the crocker range and went above the clouds [yes, the terrain was pretty awesome.]
let me describe. it was something like venturing thru Quake 3 arena with Fog effects on.


Thats not the point. anyway, we went from village to village, learning their cultures and different dance techniques. Even michael jackson could not have entertained me more compared to learning their dance moves, along with the villagers.

Then came dinner. Every dinner at every village, to me, was special & unique. What was served at that point, we ate. Vegetarianism was not the main issue to me either. The chicken thighs and breasts weren't very meaty and neither did the tapioca leaves [or smething] really helped with the outlook of the dish.

Still, it was something that they could offer, at their best. The best food, on the house.
The rice was pretty native looking too. Tastes aside, I enjoyed the meal. Not because it was tasty or whatsoever, but it was plainly, food.

After a grueling morning trek through the jungles, with leeches, a heavy backpack that were as huge as our body and all sorts of slippery dangers with one member of my team who almost got killed when he missed a footing and went all the way down the slope. A few more steps and it would have spelled death among the jagged rocks.

We were hungry and when people are hungry, any food will do. Supplements for our daily activities. To keep us alive.

We have good food here. Even families with the lowest of income, in a 1 room flat have proper food. Food you think that are not very edible in terms of look and taste, note that there are others who only have potato skins for their daily meals.

Or worse, no food at all.

Lets all be happy and blessed that we have double cheese burger, chicken rice, ba chor mee, chin chow, wan ton mee, ban mian, pizza, pasta, rice, bread, milk, coke, coke light, sodas, NUN, prata, mee goreng, murtabak or tasty and healthy fruits such as Pears.

your egoistic 恂p恟恄悓,

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