Friday, March 11, 2011

Let us all pray for the victims around the World

Hey SBMY-ers,

Even though the Japanese may have anticipated and well-prepared for the disaster, the images and videos showing the degree of damage that the Tsunami and Quake have done to them are still very heart wrenching.

If you currently still have no idea what's going on, just take a look at and you'll be able to see the warnings. The Tsunami will be hitting the states that are within the Pacific Ring of Fire.

SBMY-ers who are reading this now, regardless of race, language or nationality, may I ask of you to spend the next couple of minutes to pray the best of safety and luck for the victims around the world who are going to be hit by the Tsunami (which is REAL SOON) as well. Not forgetting the victims from the Christchurch Quake.


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