Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vesak 2012 - A day for spirituality, blessings and rapture

5th May 2012, Vesak day, is a very special day in the Buddhist calendar. As we celebrate the Birth, Enlightenment and Pari-nibanna(Passing away into nibanna) of the Buddha, let us all remind ourselves that this is also a day to
  1. strengthen our faith,
  2. seed our aspirations,
  3. path our journey
  4. establish spiritual links with one another
This day will be joyous and the joy of loving-kindness and appreciation shall over flow not only to our immediate relatives but to all relatives, friends, aquaintence and all sentient beings!

We, at Singapore Buddhist Mission will be celebrating Vesak in a very special way. By seeding the personal aspirations of goodness and well-being while sharing this positive energy to the whole world.

The highlights for this Vesak will be
  1. Metta (Loving-kindness) around the world
  2. Key note speaker
  3. Novel appreciation night - Metta hour - Loving-kindness celebrations!
The invitation card and detailed itenary can be found in the following pictures!

See you at 5th May 2012! Bring along your family, friends, peers and colleagues!
(Evening programme is highly recommended for new comers to Buddhism)

Warmest Metta,
Vesak 2012 Organising Member

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