Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How Deep Is Your Love?

A Valentine's Special

11 February 2017

It was my first time attending a sharing in SBM and to my surprise, it's a special valentine's day sharing on "How deep is your love?"

Initially, I felt a little awkward talking about this topic. However, the mature atmosphere made me feel comfortable sharing not only about love, but romantic love.

Knowing that it's a limitless lesson on how to grow and sustain a good relationship, it made me reflect on how I was in my past failed relationships. Things like ideals and perfection is not realistic in a relationship. We tend to look only on the good side of the other half at the beginning, yet rarely put in the effort on accepting or correcting their flaws. I've learn that it takes both to make a relationship work, and with the right person, time and effort, the relationship will last beyond this life last.

For this special day, not only does it remind couples to appreciate each other even more, it also reminds singles to cultivate their virtues before meeting their special someone. Lastly, after the sharing, a story I heard was brought to my mind:

There was once a monk who brought a couple to the bottom of a mountain and asked them how the mountain looked. In awe, the couple replied how huge and tall it was. When the monk lead the couple up the mountain, they mumbled and grumbled about the uneven roads and the prickly trees. After reaching the top, the monk asked them how they felt after the climb. The tired couple complained that the journey up is tough and tiring, but they admired the other mountain beside them.

Moral of the story is when you meet know someone for the first time, you'll admire and fancy that person. But after knowing them and noticing their flaws, you will be looking at another mountain. The person you once admired didn't change but your heart changed, and so does your view. The more complaints there are in a relationship, the more hurtful it becomes. The only reason why you can look at the other mountain in such a great height, is because you are on top of one.

All in all, the main thing i took away from this sharing was, with a couple that possess the same faith, virtues, generosity and wisdom, their relationship will blossom with time. With that, whether you are single or attached, I wish y'all to have a happy valentine's day with your loved ones!

- Eric


Thank you Eric for your thoughts! Just know that it was very brave of you to join us for this sharing & discussing about this topic. Thank you for taking the courage to join us - we hope to see you soon!

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May all of you be well and happy!

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