Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A special event!

Hello dudes and dudettes!

Please make yourself free this Sunday, as we will be celebrating Sister Hsu's 112th Birthday!

That's right!

It's gonna be a bright sunny day filled with song singing and skits done by the youth group!

So be at SBM at 10am sharp, and why not take this chance to mingle around with the adults?

So see you there!
And for those who aren't familiar with who Sister Hsu is why not scroll on down some more!

Sister Hsu, born on July 7 1897 also known as Teresa Hsu Chih, is well known for her active social works. She has done social work in Paraguay, China and worked as a nurse in England before arriving in Singapore.

Here are some of her works:

Helping her brother start the Assunta Foundation for the poor which is located in Ipoh.
Started the first home for the aged sick in Singapore with help from her sister.
Setting up the Heart to Heart Service Centre with, fellow social worker, Sharana Yao.

She has earned many commendation awards through her selfless acts, and continues her involvment in charity works. She gives public talks in schools, welfare homes and hospitals about health and service to the needy.

She continues to inspire everyone with her actions, she is the Supercentenarian befitting the name as "Singapore's Mother Teresa".

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