Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Reason Why

Afterthoughts from a packed weekend: Old Friends' Gathering on Friday evening. LIONS Refresher on Saturday Morning and Camp Ehi-Passiko Organisers Run on Saturday evening.

There are many reasons that make this Buddhist youth group work, the tick. How after 15 years (SBM Youth was re-formed in 1996, after more than 5 years break from the previous generation), the youth group is still going strong:

Our visionary Founder the Late Ven. Dr. K. Sri. Dhammanada, a wise Chief Advisor in Ven. Dr. Anuruddha, a compassionate Youth Religious Advisor in Ven. Dr. Bodhi, a supportive Adults Committee, the passionate "4 Kings" who founded the group back in 96, a servant-leader in our former youth President Kwek Zeming, a dedicated youth committee at the helm now, and most importantly, as Mrs. Cheng remarked on Saturday, Venerable K. Dhammika.

"... that is why SBM is so successful. You have a Bhante who is so patient... so compassionate..."

A simple, humble and patient monk. Always there, quietly, holding the fort, giving Mission's laity the spiritual guidance.

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