Sunday, November 16, 2008

Camp Ehi-Passiko Pre-Launch !

Singapore Buddhist Mission presents...

let your love flow!

SBM Youth and Pearson the pseudo-sleeping buddhist policeman.

The girls did it the art piece but they don't seem to like it.

Youth Notice Board.

Alvin the Chipmunk.

Nice good food on every Sunday provided by the aunties!

Camp Mistress.

Selling tea. A bit scandalous.

Sheepish smiles, after realising the camera.

Forrester arranged them for you.

Making the Band!

Performing the latest Buddhist composition, Buddhist Boy.

Fan 1.
Fans 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9.

The Singers.
Juulia... all the way from Finland, enroute USA.
The band.

Games and Pre-Launch Main Event

Uncle Audrick can Dance!
and Alvin... Alvin...
Chao recruit.
Our campers who are coming for CEP!

Mr. Ten Bucks' Magic Show.

Ultraman: Girl is Freed. Post Olevels version.
Ultraman Sotong - The Chao Recruit Version.
Paikapaichiu Pikachiu. (Army terminology, sorry girls!)

Alvin, watch out for that belly!
They too are shocked to find a bulging belly on the chipmunk.
Let's see it again.

SBM Youth, yeah!

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