Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Message from SBM Management Committee

One behalf of SBM Chief & Religious Advisors, SBMY Religious Advisor and the Management Committee,

Let me congratulate the SBM Youth Team on your completion of Ehipassiko Camp 2008 with resounding success and compliments from parents and well wishers.

This camp would not have been successful without the strong determination, dedication and enthusiasm, team spirit of give and take, detail planning & ideas generation amongst all of you. Your practice of “Satta” and “Sati”, as taught in the Buddha Dhamma, enabled you to overcome all the obstacles encountered in the course of the camp duration.

The new approach of both the Camp Master and Mistress and Leadership Team in dedicating an “All Night Team Building” amongst New Group Leader (GLs) prior to the camp proper has shown that it is a right approach. The fruits of labour are clearly manifested with the show of strong support from the attendance of 85 new participants and presence of more than 50 happily smiling parents and grandparent in your campfire grand finale.

I am particularly impressed on the youth team for their sacrifice in offering the cool and comfortable beds to the participants and they themselves slept on the cold hard floors in an effort to save cost. That is the beginning in the practice of “unconditional” giving.. This is a unique Quality that does not come by without the Good Nature in you. Continue in your practice as you progress. I am confident it will bring you to good steed in years to come.

Sadhu to One and All.

May You Be Successful In All Your Aspirations And Endeavours.

Best Wishes,

Audrick Kwek.


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